Equipped with advanced sensors and cameras, drones enable precise turf health monitoring by utilizing thermal and multispectral drones. Market research indicates that utilizing drones can lead up to 20% reduction in overall yearly maintenance costs.

TerraView Solutions software is a user-friendly platform that allows superintendents and grounds keepers to view their entire course from a birds-eye-view easily identifying hotspots with incredible precision.

SERvices and Benefits:

Irrigation Management & Thermal Analytics: Drones can quickly assess moisture levels and water damage using thermal cameras for accurate irrigation and water management; greenskeepers can use drone footage to identify areas that need watering or fertilizer applications.

Automated Hotspot Discovery: Drones provide an efficient way to monitor large turf areas to help detect areas of stress.

Precision Farming: Drone sensors and cameras can capture detailed data about crop health, soil conditions, and irrigation needs, optimizing resource usage, overall efficiency, and higher yields.

3D Topography Field Mapping & Surveying: Drones quickly and accurately survey large fields, providing detailed maps and 3D models to help manage land use, assess topography, and identify potential  issues.

Early Stress and Disease Detection: Drones can quickly and efficiently assess damages and collect data to help process claims quickly and reduce losses.

Environmental Monitoring: Drones offer a versatile and efficient way of collecting environmental data, providing valuable information for assessing and protecting different environments.

Track Progress and Discover Patterns: Drones can be used to monitor livestock and assess the condition of pastureland to help farmers ensure animal wellbeing  and manage grazing patterns effectively.